New MAC Research Available in Plain Language

New MAC Research Available in Plain Language

Research to Action Briefs are a key part of the Mary Amelia Center's mission to conduct innovative research and translate those findings into action for women and their communities. These briefs break down studies conducted by MAC staff into plain language so our partners and the public can use the results to make informed decisions. Check out three new Research to Action briefs below by clicking the links!

Eviction as a Social Determinant of Pregnancy Health: County-Level Eviction Rates and Adverse Birth Outcomes in the United States, published in the journal of Health & Social Care in the Community, included MAC staff Dr. Maeve Wallace and Dr. Katherine Theall. 

State Abortion Policies and Maternal Death in the United States, 2015-2018, published in the American Journal of Public Health, was authored by MAC staff Dr. Dovile Vilda, Dr. Maeve Wallace, Dr. Melissa Goldin Evans, and Dr. Katherine Theall. 

Structural Racism, Racial Inequities and Urban-Rural Differences in Infant Mortality in the US was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health and was authored by MAC staff Dr. Dovile Vilda, Dr. Maeve Wallace, Lauren Dyer, MPH, and Dr. Katherine Theall.